
Is anybody out there just waking up?

I live in Texas. Well, in a not-entirely Red part of the world described as being "ten miles from Texas in any direction." I see a fair amount of W stickers on my way to work. There are still a lot of people who are avid supporters of the President and all his good works.

I wonder if any of those people ever come to the realization that it's not really true. That Iraq wasn't the logical conclusion of what started in Afghanistan. That privacy really is gone. That Katrina could have been handled better.

If there are any people like that, I wonder if it's like some alternate-universe last episode of the original Fantasy Island where they walk into Mr. Rourke's office and say, "you know what? This place is so pretty I'll just skip the fantasy and hang out on the beach for a week...you can keep the money."

And then Mr. Rourke is all, "No, no, no, no, no, " in that devilishly-charming rapid-fire Latin rhythm. "You see, that pineapple you are drinking from is actually full of morphine and LSD, so you will have a fantasy, Mr. Hanson, the only question is 'what kind?' Tatu!"

"Yes, boss!"

"Please show Mr. Hanson to his cage." (Suave smile)

"C-c-c-cage!?" our hapless victim chokes out.

"Yes, of course! Your body will lie in a cage, nestled in a pool of your own mixed excreta, while your mind enjoys this lush, tropical paradise! Then, shortly before you awaken, my hula dancers will fill your bowels with condoms containing a mixture of our most profitable exports. These will be retrieved by an ex-prison guard now in our employ when you return to your suburban home. One of the condoms will have a leak, so we suggest you not delay in contacting him upon your return." (Suave smile, knowing wink).

"How could anyone be so unfathomably cruel?!" our dear Hanson cries.

"Cruel? My dear Mr. Hanson, how can you possibly suggest that I am cruel? You get the most amazing adventure your mind could possibly weave, you return home refreshed and motivated, and I make a profit on you coming and going. It is after all, my Fantasy Island!"

Yeah. I bet it's just like that.

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